Thursday, February 18, 2010

RSBY Reaches Landmark of 12 million BPL Families

In just a little over 22 months since its beginning RSBY reached the landmark of covering 12 million BPL families on 16th Feb 2010. This translates into approximately 50 million people covered under RSBY across India. RSBY has started or in the process of being implemented in 25 States now.

Following States have already started implementing the scheme:
Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand and West Bengal

RSBY is in the process of being implemented in the following States:
Manipur, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh

For further details and data regarding implementation please visit

1 comment:

  1. 1)Is it always possible to fix a package rate for every disease. No one can predict how a case will respond and what will be the progress and outcome.How can you predict the outcome of an unconcious patient in a comatose state to be put in an ICU on a ventilator with 24 hours intensivist working and on all monitors? what should be done in those cases?Doesnt the poor deserve such life saving treatment or he needs to be referred to government hospital or let him/her die? Government needs to have clear guidelines for the benefit of participating healthcare organisations too( not only the benefeciaries).

    2)Some of the implants/disposables used in orthopaedics and laparoscopic /endoscopic surgeries themselves are five times the total cost of package , leave the other charges, what should be done? should the poor be deprived of those quality treatment?

    3) In case of complications with prolonged stay, any complication , why does the government expect the healthcare organisation to pay for the extra expenses for treatment,stay,food medicines,etc?

    4) The hospitals will be left with no other option but to refer high risk cases, will be unable to provide quality services and surgeries( when endoscopic/laparoscopic surgery is possible in a case, they will be forced to do an open surgery).They will be forced not to take opinion of other specialists when required,repeated lab investigations when required.

    As a whole, the planners only think about the benefeciaries and not about the healthcare organisations. Some serious thought needs to be given regarding the benefit of the poor hospitals too ( not only poor patients).

    Some stimulus package should be given to participating hospitals. similar packages needs to be given to participating hospitals for implementing (electronic Medical records)EMR/ computerisation and accreditaion(ISO/NABH), to improve the quality of healthcare to the rural masses.
