Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Release of New Version of Enrolment Software

Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoI released the new version of enrolment software which is called Version 4. This software has lot of new features which caters to the demand from the field. This software improves the efficiency of the enrollment process by adding new features.

One of the main highlight of this version is that now it allows to modify the name of the dependants also in the field at the time of enrolment. This will help a lot in field as there were cases where details of the dependants were not correct. Now this will not only help in improving the enrolment process but will also lead to correction of BPL data. Few significant changes in this version are as follows:
  • Policy Start Date: Policy start date shall be the first day of enrolment month plus one month. For e.g. if the enrolment and card issuance was done on 18th Aug 2008 policy start date shall be 1st September 2008. However, if in the same district another card is issued on e.g. 5th September the policy start date will still be 1st September only.
  • Renewal Process: Process for Renewal of already issued cards is added
  • Enrolment Output format: Format of output required to be submitted to MoLE subsequent to enrolment is added
  • Pre-enrollment: Process for pre-enrollment is added
  • Edition of data in the field: Now along with Gender and Age, modifications in name of Dependents also are allowed. However, name of the Head of Household cannot be modified.
  • Provision for renewal: Updated Card layout to cater for 2 policies on the card at a time. This will be applicable when renewal of policy will happen before the end of current policy period
The detailed specifications of version 4 can be accessed by clicking here which is available at RSBY website.

Implementation Status of RSBY as on 24th March

Since its launch in end 2007 RSBY has been started by many states. At present 22 States are at different levels of implementation of RSBY. Five more States are in the process of issuing the tender for RSBY. Districts across States are being taken in a phased manner so as to cover all the districts in next three years. However, few states like Kerala, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, Haryana have already tendered for all the districts in the State.

Till now more than 36,00,000 households across India have already received smart cards in Seventeen States of India. This makes it the largest Central Government funded scheme in India which is using a smart card technology.
  • Cards issued – App. 3.6 million
  • People enrolled – App. 15 million
  • States which have started the tendering process – Twenty two
  • States which have signed MoU with Central Government – Eighteen
  • States where enrolment has started – Seventeen
  • States where Service delivery has started - Eleven
For detailed information and related documents of the scheme please access Official website of RSBY -

Introduction to RSBY

The Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) has recently launched a National Health Insurance scheme for Unorganised Sector Below Poverty Line (BPL) workers. The scheme,  called “Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana” (National  Health Insurance Plan) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Government of India and aims to improve social security for the informal sector workers by providing health insurance cover. Central Government bears 75% cost of premium (for North Eastern States and J&K it is 90%) while State Govt. bear 25% (for North Eastern States and J&K it is 10%) of the cost. Beneficiaries have to pay a registration fee of Rs 30/- only per household per year. The scheme was started in late 2007 and is being taken up in a phased manner; all districts of the country are likely to be  covered  by March, 2013. The scheme aims to provide cashless treatment upto Rs. 30,000/- to BPL people in networked public and private hospitals, thus providing a choice to the informal sector workers in terms of selection of service providers. Government of India has also included maternity and new born care with effect from 2009-10.

RSBY is being implemented by the respective State Governments. They select an insurance company, through public tendering, which implements RSBY in the State. Both public and private insurance companies are free to bid for the tender.

RSBY is very different from other Government sponsored health insurance schemes in the past. Following features distinguish RSBY from similar initiatives in the past:

  • Empowering the beneficiary –freedom of choice in terms of selection of public or private providers
  • Information Technology (IT) Intensive – For the first time at such large scale IT is used for social development scheme. Rural areas every beneficiary family is issued a biometric enabled smart card containing identification particulars etc.
  • Business Model for all Stakeholders – The scheme has been designed as a business model for a social sector scheme
  • Safe and foolproof – use of smart card and processes designed for enrolment will minimize misuse. Use of Key Management System to minimise frauds.
  • Portability – the smart card will be eventually valid across length and breadth of the country
  • Cash less transactions for beneficiaries and paperless transactions for participating providers
  • Paper less transactions for both providers and beneficiaries

For detailed information and related documents of the scheme please access Official website of RSBY -